
4 Skin Diseases Often Experienced

In tropical countries, many skin diseases are still found. The factor is that the symptoms can vary, such as damp air around, even then also from personal hygiene. But apparently, there are some skin diseases that are susceptible to men.

Especially men, it turns out men are easily affected by skin diseases because they tend to be indifferent to the cleanliness of the skin. For example, facial skin problems. so many men don't pay much attention to their facial skin. While the women are more active in cleaning facial skin using special soap, while men tend to be lazy to clean.

Most men wash their face only with water. Because they think his face looks clean, though not. Dirt, dust and bacteria, and even germs stick to their faces.
image source https://pixabay.com
1. Neurodermatitis

The most common male skin disease is neurodermatitis. Neurodermatitis is a skin disease that occurs itching-scratching on the skin. It usually occurs in the nape of the neck, back of the hand as well as the back of the foot. The main characteristic is getting scratched, feels better.

2. Baldnes

Skin diseases that are also often experienced by men are baldness or alopecia areata. For this disease, baldness occurs not because of fungi, but by genetic factors.

Alopecia areata was originally hair loss. Those who suffer from this disease will initially notice hair loss on the pillow or take a shower and shampoo. Hair loss measuring several centimeters or smaller is usually called pitak.

3. Tinea cruris

This is one of the itchiness in the skin in the groin. That often happens to men because men tend to sweat excessively and the inner underwear area is easily damp

To be able to cure this disease must be careful. Because the administration of an itch-reducing ointment that is usually sold on the market, usually makes the itchiness more pronounced or even the mushrooms are more fertile. Therefore, if you feel itchy in the groin, do not give an itchy ointment, but use an anti-fungus.

4. Acne

Because the trigger hormone for acne is the hormone testosterone, and this hormone is more in the body of a man.

Acne on men usually does not only appear on the face, but also on the back. Acne usually occurs due to a combination of hormonal factors, germs, bacteria and skin, closed pores, and dust. If one of them does not exist, it will not cause acne.

You men, start from now to really keep your skin clean. One of the best ways you can do is to maintain the cleanliness of the skin as well as the body as a whole and regularly. Don't forget to make it a habit to wash your hands and bathe twice a day, and wear clothes and underwear that are always clean

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