
5 Foods Are Important for Child Growth

Every parent wants perfection to grow for his child. To maximize this, food is one of the main factors.

That is one of them, the selection of the right nutrition is required so that the child is not easily sick, Among all types of nutrition that must be fulfilled, there are some that are important in achieving optimal growth and development of the child. And make sure children's food contains nutrients as below.
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1. Protein

Protein is the top list of nutrients that must be on the daily menu of children. The key protein is important for building every cell in the body. Proteins are also needed by the child's body to replace damaged cells with new cells. If protein intake is insufficient, this growth will be at stake.

Protein intake is easy and can be obtained from various food sources, for example meat, chicken, eggs and fish. In addition to getting from animals, protein can also be obtained from vegetable sources such as tofu and tempeh and beans.

2. Calcium and vitamin D

It is no longer a secret that calcium and vitamin D are needed to optimize body growth. Of these, one of the best sources of these two nutrients is milk and processed products such as cheese and yogurt.

And what if the child is not addicted or does not want to eat milk? Don't worry, adequate calcium intake can also be obtained from the consumption of sea fish. You should know? Sea fish are rich in calcium and various other important nutrients,

If calcium is difficult to fulfill from natural food ingredients, children can also be given calcium supplements to meet calcium needs that are appropriate for their age. Before giving a child a supplement, you first consult with your doctor about the type and dosage that suits your child's needs.

3. Omega 3

In each age range, children have achievement milestones or achieve what they want to achieve. Examples of children aged 3 years, considered to be able to be solved, simple stories can also be delivered that discuss language that is easy to understand.

For this development to be perfect and intelligence to be achieved optimally, intake for the brain must be considered. Therefore, sufficient omega-3 needs. Omega-3 is a good fat that dominates the composition for each cell in the brain. And so that the needs of omega-3 children are fulfilled, Try giving them foods such as avocado sea fish and olive oil, or nuts.

4. Zink

To ensure that all the nutrients that enter perfectly, the health of the digestive tract in children must not escape your attention. That is to maintain the health of the child's intestines, foods containing zinc must be on the menu every day.

Zinc is the key to healthy mucous cells lining the intestinal wall also preventing the lining of the intestine from being damaged by germs and bacteria. Try giving your child red meat, chicken meat and beans, or cereal

5. Vitamin

Key vitamins are important to keep children healthy, free from germs. Make sure every day your child is eating enough vegetables and fruit. The type must also vary so that all the vitamin needs and minerals are fulfilled.

Not only vitamins and minerals, fruits, vegetables also contain antioxidants that play an important role in maintaining the body's resistance to children. If the child is healthy and fit, it is not easy to get sick, the growth and development will be guaranteed.

`Are the five nutrients above enough to ensure the child's growth and development? You can also optimize it by making children active. teach children healthy habits diligently wash their hands seven steps washing hands below:
  • First step, Wet hands with running water.
  • Use antibacterial soap because it can dispel germs that cause disease.
  • Rub hands with soap until foamy
  • Flatten the soap and rub your hands for 20 seconds. Rub all the surface of the hand
  • Then rinse your hands until there is no soap left.
  •  After that, dry your hands with a clean towel or dry tissue.
  • Turn off the water tap with your elbows or a towel so that the germs that might stick on the tap do not contaminate the clean hands.
With your attention to nutritional intake from nutritious healthy food, ensuring that it is active and moving, also resting sufficiently, your child's growth and development is expected to be maximally achieved.

4 Bad Foods for Teeth

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Teeth are one of the important organs of humans that are needed to cut and chew food so that they can be digested properly. However, dental problems - such as cavities - will really interfere with your pleasure when swallowing. One of the best ways to prevent dental problems is to brush your teeth at least twice a day.

In addition to maintaining healthy teeth, understanding the food you want to consume is also very necessary. As reported by healthline.com, the following are various foods that are not healthy for dental health that can cause disease

1. Sour candy

Almost all forms of snacks have a very high acid content that can erode enamel, the outermost layer of teeth. Even worse, brushing your teeth after eating sour candy can not prevent the damage, even more aggravating.

Yes, if the tooth enamel has already been damaged, brushing your teeth can really erode it. In addition, sour candy usually has a chewy texture so that it can stick to your teeth without you realizing it for a very long time. Remaining candy can cause plaque to rot and gnaw teeth after not being cleaned properly.

2. Alc*h*lic beverages

Anyone is aware that alc*h*l does not make sense for body health. There are many health problems triggered by this one drink, one of which is dental health.

Drinking alc*h*l will make your mouth dry and dehydrated which affects your health. Basically, the mouth wants saliva to clean up food debris and protect soft tissue from irritation and infection. If left unchecked, the feces will have a negative impact on your dental health.

 3. Orange

 Who doesn't like oranges? The content of vitamin C in fruit is very useful for the body. but if you eat oranges too often, the acid content can erode the enamel so that your teeth will be more susceptible to decay.

 This will be very severe if you experience an injury to the mouth and cause it to feel very painful. to neutralize this, combine oranges with water after consuming.

 4. Dried fruit

 You might assume that dried fruit is a healthy snack. Even so, dried fruit is completely different from the new fruit. Dried fruits such as raisins, apricots, prunes, and others, have a very sweet texture and tend to stick to the teeth.

 In fact, this condition allows the fruit to become trapped between the teeth and can cause plaques that can invite bacteria. Dental plaques that accumulate for a long time will make toothache even with holes. make sure you rinse or drink lots of water after eating dried fruit. After that, brushing your teeth is anticipated so that there is not much leftover fruit stuck in the gaps of the teeth.

 For this reason, it is very important for you to always ensure your teeth, one of which is to brush your teeth using toothpaste. We recommend toothpastes containing HAP and fluoride mineral minerals.

 "The use of toothpaste containing HAP Mineral and fluoride can help the remineralization process of the enamel surface and the content of microgranule, which is mainly fine grains that are capable of cleaning between teeth,"

 So, limit yourself to consuming four foods above so that dental health is often maintained. In addition, don't forget to brush your teeth at least twice a day to maintain dental hygiene. Check your teeth at the dentist at least every six months.

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