
Beware of Food Expiration Ahead of Christmas and New Year

In addition to Eid al-Fitr and Christmas and New Year's celebrations it is synonymous with great eating and eating with a delicious menu. Especially towards the end of the year, there are a lot of tantalizing discounts. Hunting for food at a very sloping price is very exciting, but it's good if you also look at the expiration date printed on the packaging.

Basically, food that is given a cheap discount is food or drink whose expiration date will end. Therefore, you must take the time to read the expiration date printed on the packaging label that you purchased. And don't let that happen. And you cook it and a few days later, the ingredients are stale, and that can make one of your family poisoned
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The risk of eating food expires

Foods that have expired lose most of their nutrients. Besides that it can also contain bacteria and fungi that can endanger your health.

"If it has been consumed, expired foods can cause digestive symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting and abdominal pain, fever, dizziness, diarrhea. If vomiting and diarrhea are severe and prolonged, your body can become dehydrated and lead to other complications that may be more severe "

Especially for foods that are high in protein, such as eggs, meat, fish, and milk, they are easy to grow with bacteria and fungi if the expiration date has passed. Therefore, be careful before buying it.

In addition to just paying attention to the expiration date, you must also look at the aroma and shape of the food you buy. For example, when you open a food wrap, but it smells bad, you should throw away the food. Then, if the texture is different and the color also looks suspicious, you should not use it and replace it with a new one.

Not everything is dangerous

On the other hand there are still some foods and drinks that have expired, but actually they are still suitable for consumption. including, for example, rice and dry pasta, and frozen vegetables.

"Examples of rice and dry pasta can last up to 1 year after the expiration date, provided that they are not exposed to water at all,"

And for frozen vegetables that have already been opened, they can still last up to 1 month as long as they are always stored in the freezer. And if it hasn't been opened at all, frozen vegetables stored in the freezer can still last for 2 years!

If you find a change in smell and color, as well as texture, even slimy, don't process and consume it, huh!

Do this if finding food expires

Every country actually has a Food and Drug Supervisory Agency. The agency serves to oversee the circulation of drugs and food in each of these countries.

But unfortunately, sanctions for expired food producers or sellers have not been so clear, other than the unilateral cancellation of buying and selling by buyers or consumers and reimbursement of purchase costs. Therefore the community must be a smart consumer and help oversee it.

"If you find and suspect that there is a mismatch of food that you have purchased or consumed with existing regulations. For example, the food you buy has expired or is damaged. immediately report to the authorities "

In conclusion, try to pay close attention to the expiration dates that are usually listed on the packaging label before you buy food or drink ingredients. Don't let your Christmas and New Year's meals become a "disaster" that can make you and other family members experience health problems.

Celebrate Christmas, Limit This Food Consumption

image source https://pixabay.com

Christmas is one of every moment anticipated by Christians throughout the world. In addition to visiting the church to commemorate Jesus' birthday, gathering with family while eating as well as telling stories is a tradition that has been done. Various Christmas specialties are of course served. Even though each variety of food can vary, there are some examples of foods to be restricted so as not to damage your diet.

Christmas Pudding

Christmas pudding is probably a typical British and Irish pudding which is usually served at Christmas. Pudding which consists of lots of dried fruits, eggs, cinnamon, and spices is usually also used alc*h*lic beverages in the manufacturing process.

Lovers of this dish must be careful because of the calorie content. In one serving (100 grams), it contains at least three hundred calories. Want to redeem "sin" after consuming it? Getting ready to run for at least 30 minutes of cycling can also be at least 40 minutes.

Roast turkey

Aside from being a typical Thanksgiving dish, turkeys also usually beautify the table throughout the Christmas celebration. Compared to beef, the caloric content is indeed very low. if you eat turkey with skin, there will be seventy calories and three times the fat. Turkey's own skin is known to contain around 44 grams of total fat.

Roast rib meat

This dish is the prima donna of the dining table at Christmas. If you are one of the connoisseurs, understand that a piece of baked ribs (without sauce or seasoning) can contain 450 mg of cholesterol. This amount means delivering an excess of 100 grams of recommended daily cholesterol.

If you are a beef lover, you should choose the meat has been in the tenderloin alias, whose calories are "only" 1/4 of the roasted ribs. However, keep in mind not to consume it excessively.


One of the most favorite traditional drinks served on Christmas, eggnog is made of sugar, eggs, whipped cream, and bourbon type alc*h*l. This drink is sometimes served hot, it is very fitting to drink on Christmas days which are usually covered in winter.

Understand that a glass of eggnog contains 343 calories, 150 mg of cholesterol (half of the recommended daily cholesterol), and 21 grams of sugar. Imagine if you drink too much until it's glassy. Not only will your weight increase, cholesterol levels also skyrocket.


Various jars with various pastries, from nastar, chocolate chips, gingerbread, aka gingerbread, and many more. Once chatting, sometimes the hands mechanically devour the nearest jar, then one by one the cake enters the mouth. Not felt half the jar was buried in the stomach.

For example, four mini-sized nastar items contain 140 calories. That amount is equivalent to ¾ bowl of white rice! Therefore, throughout the Christmas celebration, limit the consumption of cakes, huh.


Apparently, the main protein dish will not be complete without the presence of gravy. More, more delicious! Gravy is made with lots of white flour or cornstarch. That is, this is added carbohydrate and sugar to the dish. Not only are there many old recipes that add fat and salt,

Cranberry sauce

Although cranberries have reasonable qualities because of their good health benefits, but if they are processed into sauces, the benefits are lost. This is caused by cranberry sauce (like sauces for Swedish meat balls) containing very high sugar. Canned cranberry sauce can contain 105 grams of sugar per serving, which can more or less add 400 calories on your dinner plate.

When you see the food mentioned above served at the dinner table during the Christmas celebration, don't listen if you say, "only once a year!" Indeed yes, limit and don't damage the diet. Balance with consuming lots of vegetables and fruit, and drink enough water

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