
Cosmetic Allergy, Get to know the symptoms of your cosmetic allergy

There may be times when you are tempted to buy new cosmetics because they are victimized by advertisements on television or the internet. And, without thinking, while there are also large-scale discounts on the internet, you are willing to remove cosmetics that are not clear or not suitable for your skin. Be careful, try to find out whether you are allergic to certain cosmetics or not?

Many cosmetic variants are increasingly diverse and indeed tempting for us to have. And not to mention, much of the amount of cosmetics sold online does not allow you to test it on the skin first.

And as a result, your skin that does not match the content contained in cosmetics can also irritate your skin. Try to know the signs of allergies in cosmetics so you can be more careful again.
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Ensure cosmetic allergies

Itching and swelling, or a burning sensation on the face when using cosmetics will definitely make you feel uncomfortable. And if you experience such conditions, maybe you don't match your new cosmetics. to make sure, here is an example of a condition that can appear to you, if you are indeed allergic to certain cosmetics, as quoted from Self.

1, An unusual rash appears

An allergist and immunologist who has conducted the study explained that allergic contact dermatitis, which is a medical term for contact reactions with allergens, actually looks similar to eczema. Its hallmark is a red, itchy, dry rash, also scaly in the area where you apply makeup. extreme cases, allergic reactions can cause swelling.

2. The reaction appears 24 hours later

Sometimes, an allergic reaction will not just appear immediately, but depends on the immune system of each person. At the first exposure, an allergic reaction will appear a few weeks later. But, allergic reactions often appear 24 hours later.

3. Symptoms disappear after the use of cosmetics is stopped

Parikh said that the first step to stopping the rash caused by cosmetic allergies was to stop using the product in your opinion. For example, if you feel itchiness and a rash on the eyelid area after applying eyeshadow, stop using it immediately.

Allergies appear after years of use

Allergies usually come from new cosmetics that are still unfamiliar to your skin. Can you also experience cosmetic allergies that you have been using for years? The answer, you can. All of this is explained by Melanie Palm MD who is a dermatologist from Art of Skin, California.

"Someone who already has a history of eczema, asthma and seasonal allergies, tends to produce a rash that is quite serious, even though you have been using cosmetics for years," he said

All of that can happen because in most cases of cosmetic allergies, the immune system can be sensitive to chemicals from time to time.

"The more you wear makeup, the more your skin's immune system is sensitive to it, and may become unsuitable. So, your skin can produce a strong reaction, "Parikh added.

Not only because of your own skin factor, the emergence of allergies because suddenly also indicates that the cosmetics manufacturer that you have used for years can just add other ingredients which in fact can cause allergies to your skin.

Chemicals in cosmetics that should be watched out for

You need to know, there are several chemicals that cause allergens that are widely used by cosmetics manufacturers, including metals such as nickel and cobalt which are often found in some eyeshadow, antiperspirant, and hair dyes

Not only that, preservatives and preservatives such as parabens and methylisothiazolinone contained in facial tissues and hair products also often cause allergies. Therefore, it is very important for you to read the composition on the cosmetic label before you buy and use it to minimize the risk of skin allergies.

And you need to pay attention, the use of natural ingredients in cosmetics does not always indicate that cosmetics are safe or will cause allergies to your skin. Because after all, making cosmetics has been mixed by several other ingredients.

After you know the various risks of allergies to cosmetics above, try starting now to avoid buying new cosmetic products before you try them a little to minimize the risk of developing allergies. If after a few days of not trying any reaction, you can buy the product

And if you have already been exposed to cosmetic allergies and have made various efforts above but the allergic reaction does not improve, immediately check your condition to a dermatologist before the skin condition gets worse.

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