
Health trends that will boom in 2019

Soon it will take place in 2019. Not only fashion and technology will soon change trends, even the world of health. Are you curious about what health trends will be booming in the new year 2019?

A little quote from Livestrong, here's the health trend that will kick off in 2019
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1. Carnivorous diet, aka eating meat throughout the day

A carnivorous diet is an extreme diet. Just devouring meat. eat only red meat and water as the main nutritional source. Not allowed to eat fruits and vegetables, which are only allowed to eat poultry, fish and eggs, and milk.

If you look deeper, are there any advantages to running a diet like this? People claim that this carnivorous diet can lower our blood pressure, also help to lose weight, and even cure depression.

2. Ketogenic diet based on vegetable protein

The way the keto diet is very popular in 2018. Even like Kourtney Kardashian and Halle Berry, and Jenna Jameson, Also on this diet in order to get the ideal body. As you already know, the keto diet is a low carbohydrate but high fat diet.

But now a way to develop a keto diet based on vegetable protein is being developed. Later, this diet will be friendly to vegans and vegetarians. In order for you to successfully undergo this diet, you must be creative in combining foods and eating the right plant foods.

3. Fast food for vegans

Don't say that a vegan can't eat well? What will later be the popularity of imitation meat and fast food for vegans will be even more rampant. not a few people begin to eat less animal products as well as vegan catering is also quite a lot.

The shape and texture also the taste of imitation is so similar to ordinary meat, so vegans can still enjoy hamburgers as well as fried chicken, and other fast food

4. Spa for muscles

Do you know Spa? Spa is not just for the beauty of the outer skin. If you usually do a body spa, next year muscle stimulators, better known as muscle spas, will increase. In fact, there have been several well-known brands of muscle stimulators, can also be used anytime and anywhere.

Some sources say that muscle stimulators can help restore muscle strength and treat muscle pain

5. Sports at home

In 2019, later sports at home will be increasingly chosen by people rather than in the gym. But you don't worry, you can now get quality fitness content just from the screen. all you need is to set YouTube as well as the fitness app, and you don't need to go to the fitness center

6. Cold yoga

According to some experts, that doing exercise in the cold is very good for our body. On this basis, the "cold yoga" trend has started to attract many people. Cold yoga can be done at temperatures between 7 and 10 degrees Celsius. It is believed that cold yoga can burn a lot of calories because it forces the body's metabolism to work harder.

Those are the six health trends that are predicted to boom in 2019. You are interested in trying one of them.

Be careful, 3 of these diets are at risk for your health

image source https://pixabay.com

Diet is good for health, but that does not mean it is not risk free. In fact, there are various types of diet not only effective in losing weight, but also famous in danger because of its side effects on health

If you plan to apply the dietary patterns outlined below, understand the various side effects that can occur.

1. Ketogenic diet

Although he is not yet 'old', this diet is very popular. This diet pattern is to consume foods that are low in carbohydrates but high in fat. That way, a ketosis process occurs in the body. Ketosis is the body's metabolic status when fat is used as the main energy source.

The main goal is the body uses a source of fat to replace glucose as fuel cells. Indeed at first glance it sounds very promising, namely the supply of fat will be burned as much as possible. However, is it that simple?

Other side effects are keto flu, which has almost the same symptoms as slu, such as dizziness and weakness, lethargy, and irritability, and dehydration of nausea, and vomiting.

This happens because of the high levels of ketones in the body. Ketones make an increase in urination so you feel dehydrated and lose electrolytes. The loss of fluids and electrolytes is what results in the arrival of keto flu.

Some other health effects that occur due to the application of ketogenic diets include unpleasant breath scent (due to eating high-fat foods), fatigue, constipation (due to lack of consumption of fruits and vegetables), irregular menstrual changes, decreased bone density, and disorders sleep.

2. A gluten free diet

A gluten free diet is a diet method that is often undertaken by celebrities such as Jessica Alba and Gwyneth Paltrow in order to maintain her ideal body.

Initially, gluten-free food is intended for people with celiac disease. Celiac disease occurs because of an impaired immunity in the digestive tract. Symptoms that come are diarrhea, bloating, and weight loss.

Gluten is a protein contained in various types of grains and cereals. Wheat is an example of a dish containing gluten, which is widely used in food industries such as bread, flour and pasta, noodles, and others.

People who do not have celiac disease will not be disturbed if they eat foods that contain gluten. However, considering one celiac sufferer is weight loss, an 'idea' appears to emulate the diet of celiac sufferers. therefore, many normal people run a gluten-free diet or gluten-free.

The disadvantage of this diet is the loss of health benefits that may be obtained from foods containing gluten. If all foods made from wheat, seeds, and cereals are avoided, the body will lose good carbohydrates and fiber. Not to mention many grains provide complete vitamins and minerals. Therefore, crossing out gluten from the list of dishes puts you at risk of deficiency lacking the nutrients your body needs.

3. Mayo diet

The mayo diet is a diet method developed by the Mayo Clinic in the US. This diet not only specializes in what you consume, but also how much you weigh and your overall health.

The mayo diet is widely applied by the community because it is claimed to lose 8-10 kg of weight for a period of 2 weeks. There are various rules that must be obeyed in running a mayo diet, including not being able to eat salt and drinking 2 liters of mineral water per day and not drinking cold water, and dinner before 5 pm.

Limiting salt consumption is claimed to be effective in losing weight. This is not entirely wrong, namely salt is binding on water in the body. On a mayo diet that limits salt intake, it is possible that you often urinate frequently. Salt also has sodium to maintain fluid balance in the body. Because there is no water bound and the frequency of urination increases, you experience very drastic weight loss caused by loss of fluid in the body. In other words, the weight will go down, but it is only liquid.

Sodium deficiency in the body can also slow down the cell's metabolic system, which can affect the nerves as well as muscles. This impact can cause the body to become weak and easily tired, dehydrated, and difficult to focus.

One other effect that can be caused from the mayo diet is the yoyo effect. After the mayo diet cycle is complete, most people return to their previous diet, and there is an increase in body weight again.

Keep prioritizing a diet with complete nutrition

The pattern of weight loss reduces the portion of food (but still with balanced nutrition) and exercise is the recommended diet method in the medical world. That way, the intake of macro and micro nutrients needed by the body can be fulfilled.

Macro nutrients such as carbohydrates are needed to build energy. Fat and protein are needed for the hormonal system, the immune system, and building muscle mass. Many micronutrients also have functions that are vital to bodily functions.

If you are doubtful about fulfilling your daily nutritional intake through dishes, supplementing vitamins and minerals, and fatty acids (such as omega-3) can be the answer

According to research conducted by the University of South Australia, omega-3 in fish oil can help reduce weight. But there are notes that need to be considered, which must be accompanied by exercise to get optimal results and consumed with safe doses. This is because omega-3 is thought to increase blood flow to the muscles during exercise and its ability to transfer fat to body parts need energy.

Diet does not mean torturing yourself. Reduce weight by reducing food portions. But still with a balanced giz, diligently exercising regularly, stopping unhealthy habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol, and snacking that is not healthy will keep you from various risks of diet to health.

Still want to know about the 3 diets that are trending above? Better to consult a doctor or nutritionist before trying it,

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