
This is a hidden danger behind dust you don't know

Dust has long been known to cause allergies in humans. You need to know that according to WebMD, dust can contain pieces or feather particles of your pet, the body also dead cockroaches, mold spores, and dust mites. Examples of some of these objects are allergens that are often encountered.

Allergic signs and symptoms in dust, are itchy, runny eyes, also red eyes, sneezing, and runny nose. This condition can be aggravated when you do a lot of activity while outdoors,

If you or other family members have allergies to dust, the most important thing is to clean your house regularly. That way, dust and dirt and cockroaches will not be able to nest.

''During the day, do it to open all windows "This must also be considered because by opening the window, sunlight will enter your house and reduce moisture so that the fungus is not easy to grow"

"And not to use carpet on the floor in your home, which is mainly in the bedroom. We recommend that you use ceramic or marble or wood floors. And also use sheets and antitungau pillowcases for the room. "

However, it turns out besides that there is still a danger from the dust itself. What kind of danger is that?
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Dust is related to antibiotic resistance

you should know? Antibiotic resistance is the ability of bacteria to survive the effects of antibiotics. Bacteria must die, instead they multiply. this will complicate the healing process of diseases caused by bacteria.

There are several things that can cause antibiotic resistance, for example, such as the use of antibiotics in an excessive or inappropriate manner. So, what is the connection between dust and antiobiotic resistance?

As explained above, dust is not an inanimate object. There are various compounds that live in the dust strands, one of which is an antibacterial called triclosan. He is often found in dust.

On the other hand, there are lots of household products - detergents and toothpaste, bath soaps and so on, which apparently contain trichlosan which is claimed to kill bacteria. This can then cause and worsen the state of bacterial resistance.

A researcher at Northwestern University, Chicago, United States, has tried to compare 42 dust samples that have been taken from one of the sports facilities. The results showed that in dust which had a high concentration of triclosan, the bacteria had the chance to undergo gene changes that lead to antibiotic resistance.

How to reduce the potential for antibiotic resistance

And it turns out, the triclosan antibacterial compound is not only found in dust, but also some toothpaste products. In 2017, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has banned the use of antibacterial active ingredients such as triclosan. The agency has said it turns out that high levels of triclosan exposure are associated with disruption of hormones as well as antibiotic resistance.

Antibiotic resistance is a very serious health threat. In the United States alone, around 25,000 people die each year from these bacteria, which are resistant to antibiotics.

It turns out that this medical fact has not been too widely understood by people, so socialization must be carried out from now on. You can start from home, by changing your lifestyle.

The only effort to reduce the potential for resistance to antibiotic drugs is to stop using antibacterial products including triclosan. You only need to wash your hands using ordinary water and soap.

How to clean the dust that sticks at home, you don't need to use cleaning products. Just wash it using a wet towel and add a little soap that is free of triclosan.

Not only causes allergies, dust is associated with antibiotic resistance. because of that, consider the personal hygiene as well as the hygiene products that you have been using.

Benefits of Aloe Vera for skin health

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Aloe vera, commonly known as aloe vera, is a type of succulent plant. Often this plant grows in dry and tropical areas, such as in Indonesia. The efficacy of aloe vera has been proven since ancient times, thousands of years ago, and is believed to be an ingredient in the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries, and food.

Then what are the benefits of Aloe Vera for health?

1. Treat burns

Aloe vera is often used to treat burns topically, with a method applied to the skin. And since 1959, the United States has allowed the sale of aloe vera ointment freely to treat skin burns.

Based on the analysis, aloe vera has been proven to be effective in treating burns of level 1 and 2. The use of aloe vera is found to accelerate the healing of burns for up to 9 days, compared to standard treatment.

2.Reducing dental plaque

Dental plaque is one of the problems that can interfere with appearance, and cause holes in the teeth if left to accumulate. To overcome this, dental plaque must be prevented.

An analyst compared ordinary mouthwash containing chlorhexidine with gargling using Aloe vera juice. As a result, the use of each is equally effective. Gargling with aloe vera will kill the Streptococcus mutans bacteria which causes fungal dental plaques and Candida albicans fungi.

3. Handle thrush

Thrush usually appears below the lips and in the mouth, and usually lasts for 7-10 days. Analysis shows that the use of aloe vera effectively reduces canker sores. In addition, aloe vera can reduce pain due to canker sores.

4. Maintain healthy skis

One of the most famous advantages of aloe vera is for skin health. Initial studies conducted on women over (forty five) years, found that aloe vera can reduce signs of aging on the skin. The use of aloe gel for (ninety) days has been shown to increase collagen production and skin elasticity.

Not only that, aloe vera can also be used for natural therapy to treat acne. Aloe vera has antibacterial properties to prevent bacteria from infecting skin pores. Aloe vera can help remove dirt and excess oil from the skin. For those of you who have acne, the use of aloe vera helps regenerate the skin so that it can prevent the appearance of scars.

5. Overcoming hair loss

Hair loss can cause baldness, or the medical language is alopecia. A 2010 study found that using aloe vera in hair can help overcome this problem. In fact, the initial sign of hair growth can be observed in five days of using aloe vera.

6. Fight constipation

Although most of the benefits of aloe vera are obtained from gels or liquids contained in this plant, there are still other elements that are efficacious. Latex (yellow and sticky residue found below the outermost area of ​​aloe leaf) is known to help with constipation.

this is caused by the content of aloin or lead in it, which has a laxative effect. But, the use of aloe vera in the long run to overcome constipation is still questionable.

That's some of the health benefits of aloe vera. Lately, plants with various advantages are also often used to beautify homes. In addition to looking beautiful, you can also use natural remedies if needed at any time.

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