
When is the right time to exercise after giving birth? Find the answer here

And you know? After giving birth, having a weight like before pregnancy is not impossible. Not only by maintaining a diet, the trick is to exercise. If you want to restore your body shape as before, the way you exercise regularly and consistently is something that cannot be negotiated. In addition, appetite will increase after giving birth, which is especially for mothers who exclusively breastfeed.

Remember, you can only start exercise if your condition really feels healthy and has no health problems. For mothers who give birth normally, the right time to exercise is even faster than mothers who give birth by caesarean section. If you give birth normally, exercise can be done at least 4 weeks after giving birth, and mothers who give birth to cesarean section can wait up to 6-8 weeks after giving birth.

But, everything depends on each mother because it is adjusted to the abilities and conditions at that time. Because this is related to hormonal changes after childbirth, lack of time to sleep, and breastfeeding activities. If you can't, don't force it and just do it gradually after you feel your body's condition is healthy again,

Not only lose weight, there are many other benefits that can be obtained if you do postpartum exercise, for example, such as reducing the risk of stress, strengthening the abdominal muscles and improving the body's cardiovascular system, as well as improving the quality of sleep. The following are some types of exercise that you can do after giving birth
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1. On foot

Walking is one sport that is easy and practical. You only need the right shoes and the intention to do it. To be more uplifting, try also to take your baby on the stroller when walking.

2. Swimming

Swimming Besides being healthy, swimming also includes sports that provide a relaxing effect so that it can reduce stress. You can choose sports facilities that provide classes that can be with your baby. For example, swimming classes with children.

3. Kegel gymnastics

This kegel gymnastics can be done anywhere and anytime. And to do this exercise, you can tighten your pelvic floor muscles like you're holding back urination and you hold for 10 seconds and release. Do it again up to 10 times and repeat 3 sets.

4. Push up

Try push up exercises, push ups can help strengthen your upper body muscles. Repeat push up 10 times as many as 3 sets.

When exercising, the duration is not too long, 30 minutes is enough if the origin is really effective. And if you already feel fatigue or pain in your former stitch, stop immediately from the activity and take a break. Don't forget to warm up and cool down at each session and just fill the need for water so you avoid dehydration.

Do not forget to also pay attention to any sports movements that you have done, whether they are correct or not. You can ask for advice from a personal trainer so that it doesn't trigger side effects that harm you.

Suggestion. before exercising, you don't forget to breastfeed your baby. Because this is done so that the breasts are not full also remain comfortable when exercising. You should also ask for an opinion from the obstetrician, whether your current condition is safe enough to exercise after giving birth. That way, you can minimize the occurrence of bleeding and other side effects.

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