
Dinner Above Hours 5 Afternoons make Unhealthy, Myth or Fact?

Everyone has different dinner hours. There is the fastest at 7, there are also those who prefer to eat dinner faster. Rumors about eating time are widely circulating. Very much, to the extent that some people choose to skip dinner because they are worried about weight gain. Well, there are also those who say dinner above 5 pm is not healthy, is this a myth or fact?

Based on the reasons from Dr. Adeline Jaclyn. that dinner at 5pm is unhealthy is a myth.
image source https://pixabay.com
"Dinner is not directly related to health or not, but rather to weight problems," explained Dr. Adeline

"So usually, those who are afraid to eat above 5 pm or maybe skip dinner because they want to lose weight, not to maintain health," he continued.

If the goal is to maintain health, dinner may have to be done, provided the type, portion, and time must be considered.

An unwanted dinner is dinner at a time that is close to bedtime, as well as a menu of evening meals that are high in sugar and trans fat. if this becomes a habit, weight seems to increase and may cause obesity.

Recommended dinner time

Many people choose to eat dinner late or delay dinner for one reason or another. If you do this habit, stop immediately. Research has shown that late dinners can increase the likelihood of gaining weight.

"This is due to the circadian rhythms in the body that regulate various types of body hormonal balance, heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature to be in conditions that are in accordance with one's activities. at night, the body naturally rests its organs in preparation for sleep. Eating too late results in more food stored by the body as fat, compared to what is converted into energy for activity, "said Dr. Resthie Rachmanta Putri

If you eat too late, your body is usually very thin. and if you eat in a very hungry condition, this can be a high risk of making you eat excessively. So, when is the ideal dinner time?

According to the recommendations of Dr. Resthie, you recommend for dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

"For example, you always sleep at 10 o'clock at night. That means you have to eat before 7pm, "he explained. this can be done to provide an opportunity for the stomach and intestines to digest and metabolize food perfectly. After all, some nutritionists have said that the best dinner time is between 5-7 nights.

"Because, at that time period people usually don't feel too hungry, so you have more control at dinner and don't eat too much."

For the type of food itself, Dr. Resthie recommends consuming protein and fiber. This is because both can provide a longer feeling of satiety than a menu dominated by carbohydrates.

So, now you realize that the rumors of dinner above 5 pm are not healthy just a myth. The rule to remember is no later than 3 hours from meal time to bedtime. In addition to regulating meal times, pay attention to the portions and contents of your dish to maintain ideal body weight.

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