
You need to know 4 Symptoms of Dengue Fever besides fever

Dengue fever and rainy season are two things that are inseparable. this disease begins with a high fever. According to Dr. Fiona Amelia MPH, the sudden appearance of high temperature fever can reach temperatures of 39 degrees Celsius or more. However, there are other symptoms that also indicate you have dengue fever.

Other symptoms of dengue fever

Shown by Dr. Andika Widyatama, the various conditions below are symptoms of other dengue fever that might escape people's attention. Because, on average, people consider the main symptom of dengue fever to be a significant increase in body temperature.
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1. Joint pain or muscle pain

People with dengue fever will feel pain in the joints and bones. This condition will also make people affected by dengue fever feel helpless and ultimately unable to move as usual.

2. Dizziness or headache

This indication is mainly felt in the back of the eye. Usually an unbearable headache at that time will make your eyes feel heavy, so that it can inhibit activity.

3. Nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are also other symptoms of dengue fever. Be vigilant, this indication can be more dangerous if the vomiting is accompanied by blood.

4. Bleeding

According to Dr. Andika, a very serious indication of dengue fever is bleeding. In mild bleeding red spots will appear on the patient's skin. In addition, bleeding and bleeding gums can also occur if the condition worsens.

The most extreme bleeding is when the patient has experienced bowel movements along with blood.

Apart from the four indications above, when you get dengue fever you may also feel flushing or a reddish face and feel hot to the touch. When there is swelling of the liver, a rash on the skin and abdominal pain can also occur.

The symptoms are similar to other diseases

People often confuse indications of dengue with other diseases, such as typhoid fever. Because, both of them show similar indications. To be honest, between dengue fever and typhoid fever are two different diseases.

Dengue fever is caused by the dengue virus, while typhoid fever is caused by infection with Salmonella typhi bacteria. Both dengue fever and typhoid fever, the incidence will increase when the rainy season arrives.

Due to the differences between the two, Dr. Sepriani Timurtini Limbong provides an explanation.

"Indeed, what distinguishes it is the example of fever. If dengue fever, the fever will be high quickly, while typhoid fever rises gradually,

So, if the fever doesn't improve for more than 3 days, you should check the condition to the hospital for a blood check.

On the other hand, what distinguishes dengue fever from typhoid fever is platelets. If dengue fever will decrease platelets. As for typhoid fever, platelets do not have an impact.

Meanwhile, Dr. Sepri said that the indication of dengue fever that has not been long enough is often considered an upper respiratory tract infection (ISPA). "That's because both of them have indications of fever, headache, and pain behind the eyes,"

After listening to the clarification above, you now know the various indications of dengue fever correctly. Well, don't just focus on high fever, because there are indications of other dengue fever. If you experience these indications, quickly consult a doctor to get the right diagnosis and treatment.

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