
Adding Sleep Time, Is It Really Good for Health?

What is the duration of your sleep so far? Is it less than 6 hours, or consistent for 7-8 hours as suggested by experts? If you have enough sleep, it is certainly very good for your health. So, what happens if the hours of sleep are added to the amount that should be? Will it be more beneficial for health?

For people who are very productive, getting 7 hours of sleep a night is very good to support their health. Moreover, if you get up to 8 hours of sleep, it's certainly better. Conversely, if the hours of sleep obtained are less than 7 hours, the risk of various health problems will be higher.

"Poor sleep quality and short sleep duration are related to a series of diseases, including high blood pressure or hypertension, diabetes, and depression. For example, lack of sleep can affect the body's ability to use the hormone insulin, which can then cause diabetes , "said Dr. Nitish Basat Adnani BMedSc MSc
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What about increasing hours of sleep?

Reported by the BBC, increasing hours of sleep turned out to have diverse health benefits.

"You will feel better, have more energy, have better ideas, and you will contribute to your team or organization in a better way," said the associate professor of neurology who specializes in sleeping pills and sleep disorders at the University Johns Hopkins, Rachel Salas.

"Moods will also get better. You will have better reasons to get involved and share ideas with others. Meanwhile, if you lack sleep, you may find that weight gain and eye bags will be clearly visible," he continued.

Based on this opinion, the BBC conducted research related to the addition of sleep hours. In collaboration with the University of Surrey's Sleep Research Center, the BBC is trying to monitor the benefits of adding hours of sleep for 1 hour. As a result, this turned out to really be able to improve the mental agility of research participants in computer tests.

Adding to these findings, several other studies say that optimizing sleep hours is more than just adding an extra hour. A study in America found that students who slept for eight hours showed better results in the final exam. Meanwhile, research from the University of Michigan states that sleep deprivation affects memory and productivity in various fields of activity, such as roasting and surgery.

Consistency is better

But which one is better? Is it extra bed for 1 hour or a consistent sleep schedule? The answer is, sleep with consistent time. The reason is, research shows that people with irregular sleep patterns, 45 percent are more susceptible to coronary heart disease. In addition, if sleep is irregular, the body's internal rhythm also becomes bad so that cognitive abilities become blunt and emotions become difficult to control.

However, there is nothing wrong if you really want to add hours of sleep for 1 hour every day. This will be very good if you are able to "respect" the rhythm of the body. More than that, you also need to know how long it takes to sleep so that your body feels fresh and fit. If everything is done

1 Response to "Adding Sleep Time, Is It Really Good for Health?"

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