
After Food Poisoning, Consume 3 of these Intakes

His intention was to eat well in a restaurant. Once satisfied and full, it turns out unexpectedly the next day you experience food poisoning. When this happens, experts recommend resting the stomach. That is, there are some food and beverage intake that must be avoided and whatever other types are recommended for consumption.

According to the explanation from Dr. Andika Widyatama, food poisoning can occur when you consume contaminated food or drink.

"The most common causes are bacteria, namely Escherichia coli, salmonella, Clostridium botulinum, Campylobacter, and listeria. Some other organisms can also be causes, namely viruses, fungi, and parasites, "said Dr. Andika explained.

"Food contamination can occur at non-sterile processing stages, improper storage of food, undercooked food, until the process of serving food that is not clean," he continued.

Reporting from Healthline, the following are the types of foods and drinks that should be consumed when experiencing food poisoning.
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1. Electrolyte drinks

Vomiting and diarrhea due to food poisoning can cause dehydration. Therefore, prevent hydration by consuming electrolyte drinks. In addition, other types of liquids that you can consume are clear soft drinks, decaffeinated tea (usually from flowers), chicken broth, or vegetables.

2. Looking for natural treatments

When you are food poisoning, it is important for the body to follow its natural reaction in cleaning your digestive tract from bad bacteria. This is why over-the-counter diarrhea drugs are not the best solution to overcome food poisoning.

When the symptoms that are felt are severe, do not immediately step into the drug storage cabinet. It's better to consume drinks like ginger tea. Ginger is known to have a calming effect on the stomach.

A study published in "World Journal of Gastroenterology" states, ginger extract given to patients with gastric diseases such as dyspepsia, can help gastric emptying and gas expenditure. This causes the patient's complaints such as flatulence, nausea, and fever to decrease.

If you feel better, you can replace the normal intestinal flora with yogurt or probiotic capsules for at least 2 weeks. This can help the body to regenerate healthy bacteria that are lost during food poisoning, while making the digestive system and immune system recover.

3. For a while, force consumption of "tasteless" food

When you want to eat or feel you have been able to return food, more food choices for the stomach and digestive tract. That is, consumption of foods that are "tasteless" and low in fiber. Fat is harder to digest, especially when you are having a stomach ache. Avoid fatty foods to prevent symptoms from worsening.

Types of food that are safe for the stomach at this time include: bananas, cereals, egg white, honey, gelatin, oatmeal, peanut butter, tasteless potatoes (such as mashed potatoes), rice, saltines, toast and applesauce.

Dr. Sepriani Timurtini Limbong said, fortunately food poisoning cases usually recover by themselves.

"Sufferers just need to rest and drink enough water," he said.

However, Dr. Sepriani reminded that there were still signs of danger to watch out for, namely:

  • Very severe stomach pain
  • Diarrhea for more than 3 days
  • Vomiting or bleeding bowel movements
  • There are signs of dehydration (lack of fluids) such as excessive thirst, lack of urination, dizziness, weakness, until unconsciousness
  • There are nerve disorders such as blurred vision, weakness in all limbs, or tingling

If the above symptoms occur, you should immediately find the nearest health facility to get treatment immediately. Because, feared complications can occur later on.

Food poisoning is indeed a case that is often encountered and almost everyone has experienced it. After food poisoning occurs, immediately rest your stomach and make sure the food and beverage intake mentioned above. In addition, prevent food poisoning again by ensuring food hygiene and personal hygiene.

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