
Beware, Sweet Food Can Damage Eye Health

Not only tooth decay, fans of drinks and sweet foods must face other consequences of their hobbies, which consumption can damage eye health. How can?

For laymen, maybe the connection between frequent consumption of sweet foods with eye health is poorly understood. Indeed, the connection does not occur directly. More specifically, consumption of excessive sweets can increase the risk of developing diabetes. If this happens, diabetes can also lead to complications. One of them is eye damage macular degeneration (AMD). This condition is the most common eye damage in the United States.

Each food has its own glycemic index. The glycemic index is a measure that determines how quickly the food is converted into blood sugar. The foods with the highest glycemic index are white flour, while the low foods are vegetables and beans.

Reporting from WebMD, those who like to eat foods that contain a high glycemic index have a higher risk of getting AMD, at least in one eye. Conversely, if there is more consumption of foods with low glycemic index, the risk of getting AMD is lower.
image source http://jogja.tribunnews.com
Link between sweet foods and diabetes

According to Dr. Astrid Wulan Kusumoastuti, sweet foods actually do not have a direct impact on the occurrence of type 2 diabetes. Obesity often makes someone affected by the disease. Obesity can trigger diabetes because of high body fat levels, especially in the central, stomach, and waist. The hormones produced by fat affect the activity of other hormones, one of which is insulin which regulates the metabolism of sugar in the blood.

When weight increases, body fat will produce more hormones, so you need more insulin to metabolize glucose effectively. This increased need for insulin often cannot be balanced by the ability of the pancreas to produce it, thus leading to diabetes.

"Thus, sweet foods only increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, rather than being the main cause," concluded Dr. Astrid.

Complications of diabetes that have an impact on eye health

When diabetes has already occurred, Dr. Resthie Rachmanta Putri, M.Epi, said there was one complication that lurked, namely permanent eye damage. As for some eye damage that can occur due to diabetes include:

Diabetic retinopathy

This is an eye disorder that most often occurs in diabetics. It is estimated that 1 in 10 diabetics experience this incurable condition. The part of the eye that functions to transmit light to nerve cells (retina) has abnormalities, namely the appearance of bleeding spots.

"This happens because the organ's blood vessels are thinning and fragile, so the ability to see will decrease," explained Dr. Resthie.

Macular edema

This is a complication of diabetic retinopathy. This condition is characterized by a buildup of fluid around the macula (the most sensitive center of the retina captures light). Macular edema is usually treated by the act of photocoagulation or by injecting the drug into the eye.


"Cataracts are eye disorders characterized by changes in the lens from clear to cloudy and cloudy," said Dr. Resthie.

High blood sugar levels cause the lens to absorb more sugar, so it tends to convex, the sorbitol enzyme and protein accumulate, and end in turbidity.


Galucoma is an eye disorder that occurs due to increased pressure inside the eyeball (intraocular pressure), which is also common in diabetics. Symptoms include red eyes, sudden blurred vision, headaches, and vomiting. Field of view also becomes limited. This disorder is also related to diabetic retinopathy (complications).

Consumption of sweet foods can indeed make you happy. However, if consumption is excessive, slowly can cause obesity, then obesity, so the risk of diabetes increases. When you already have diabetes, uncontrolled sugar levels can cause complications, one of which is damage to eye health. If you live with diabetes, obey your doctor in controlling blood sugar levels. If you don't have diabetes, keep it! Prevent by adopting a healthy lifestyle!

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