
Children who often play smartphones can quickly use glasses?

Electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops are commonly found and often brought along and everywhere. Not only adults who use various devices, but also children. In fact, for example in the mall, it is often seen that children are busy playing games with smartphones in their hands when their parents are busy themselves. In fact, not a few children who have used glasses, even those with thick lenses. Is this a result of the frequency of children playing the device?

Visual impairment is one of the most worrying things when someone is too intense to use a device, even if they are staring at the screen of a smartphone, laptop or TV. Vision problems related to the duration of use of devices that are often excessive.
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Children need to have their own tablet?

According to a report from Common Sense Media, almost some children already have their own tablets, and these devices are often used. Based on the report, children under the age of 8 years reported spending an average of 2 hours 19 minutes per day, staring at the device screen. Not only that, about 30 percent of the time is spent on devices such as tablets and smartphones. The report said, 42 percent of children already have personal tablets.

The data shown above is not too much different from the findings of 2011, in which children on average used the device for 2 hours 16 minutes.

The duration of using the device for too long can cause the eyes to be affected. This is also because of the blue light emitted by electronic devices. These rays are known to penetrate the eye retina, and this is proven through laboratory studies. Blue light is expected to damage cells in the retina that are sensitive to light.

According to Dr. Fiona Amelia, MPH, using the device too often for a long duration can indeed cause vision problems. This includes triggering many small children who are now dependent on glasses.

"Children who often play devices can experience visual impairments, this can cause severe minus (miopi) or farsightedness (hypermetropy). In addition, children can also experience lazy eye disorders (amblyopia)," said Dr. Fiona.

Recognize the sign that the child has a visual impairment

If the child has had a visual impairment, it can be a danger to his future. Therefore, it is necessary for parents to know what happened to their child's vision. Disorders of vision in children generally appear without obvious symptoms. This is what causes the condition to be missed and diagnosed when the condition of the disorder is difficult to overcome, "said Dr. Sepriani Timurtini Limbong

Signs and symptoms of visual impairment in children include:

  • Watch television or read books at close range. This indicates the possibility of the child experiencing nearsightedness.
  • Rub your eyes frequently. This usually occurs when a child tries to concentrate or is reading. It is possible that he has a visual impairment.
  • Using fingers to help read. When a child reads a book, he will use his fingers to mark the part he reads. He will also have difficulties when asked to read voices without the help of his fingers.
  • Eyes runny constantly and often feel glare. Children who experience visual impairments will feel very disturbed when photographed using flash. In fact, light can make it nauseous.
  • Close one eye while reading or watching television. This is a possibility that he has a impaired vision.
  • Tilting your eyes or tilting your head when you see something, especially objects that are far away.
  • School performance is declining. Children with visual impairments will find it difficult to pay attention to their teacher when teaching in class and it is difficult to read the writing on the board. His academic achievements tend to decline.

To avoid visual impairment in children, you must be firm. Set joint rules regarding the use of devices. In addition, always note the 20-20-20 rule, which is every 20 minutes staring at the device screen, diverting the view to see objects around a distance of approximately 20 feet (about 6 m), for 20 seconds. That way, visual impairments in children who require them to wear glasses due to children often playing devices, can be avoided.

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