
Children's Hair Often Drops, Signs What?

Don't be mistaken, the problem of hair loss can not only attack adults, but also children aged 1-3 years. Hair loss at that age, especially what often happens, should not be underestimated. You should find out the cause because hair loss can be a sign of certain conditions. After that, then discuss with the doctor about proper treatment and treatment.
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Non-medical causes of hair loss in children

Children's hair loss can occur non-medically. For example, newborn hair falls out during the first few months of life, then is replaced with more permanent hair.

As you get older, there are several factors that trigger nonmedical hair loss in children, namely:

  • Use of hard and dangerous chemicals in hair care products
  • Drying hair using dry hair with a temperature that is too high
  • Braiding or tying your hair too tight
  • The habit of combing or brushing a child's hair that is still wet
  • Friction with pillows and other surfaces that kids often sleep on

Child hair loss that is nonmedical can be overcome by avoiding the causative factors above.

Medical causes of hair loss in children

If the child's hair often falls out or the amount is excessive, sometimes there are medical reasons that cause loss. Among others are:

1. Tineacapitis

Tineacapitis — or ringworm — is a fungal infection of the scalp that is often experienced by children. The symptoms of this disease can vary. However, generally the child's scalp will feel very itchy. In addition, the child's scalp will look scaly, red, and sometimes swollen due to scratching too often.

Baldness can occur in the infected area. Usually, on the head that has baldness, black spots will appear which are actually broken hair.

Since tineakapitis is an infectious disease, make sure the child does not share anything with other people, especially objects that touch the head such as hats, pillows, hair clippers, or combs.

2. Alopecia Areata

Unlike tineacapitis, alopeciaareata is a non-contagious hair loss condition. This condition is caused by the immune system that mistakenly attacks the hair follicles. The hair follicles function as growth units in each hair shaft.

If the hair follicle is damaged, this means that no hair grows in the follicle. As a result, baldness appears in certain areas of the head which usually appear smooth, circular or oval, and pale pink.

This condition can heal on its own and does not recur. However, in some children there are also those who experience a number of episodes of recovery and relapse several times, until finally their permanent hair can grow. If the loss experienced by a child is wide enough, the growth of his hair can not at all occur.

3. Telogeneffluvium

Telogeneffluvium is hair loss caused by a child suffering from severe stress or depression, after surgery, severe injury, use of certain drugs, high fever, severe infection or other diseases, and sudden hormonal changes.

This condition can cause partial or total baldness. Until now, there have been no specific tests for the diagnosis of telogeneffluvium. Usually, after a child comes out of a stressful situation, his hair growth will return to normal. This generally takes around six months to a year or more.

4. Other causes

Hair loss in children aged 1-3 years can also be based on lack of zinc, hormone-related diseases, and anemia.

After listening to the explanation of the causes of child hair loss above, there is no harm in starting to take preventative steps. Do these tips!

  • Pay attention to nutritional intake
Give children the intake of vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, MPASI ingredients from fruits that are rich in antioxidants, and other foods that contain zinc, vitamin B complex, and iron.
  • Change sleeping position
If the child continues to sleep in a supine position, you can change the position of sleep to the side or stomach.
  • Pay attention to the technique of combing a child's hair
Comb your child's hair from the center of the hair to the bottom to prevent tangled hair. If your lower hair is neat and unraveled, then you can comb your upper and middle hair.

Use a large-toothed comb and rarely to make it easier to untangle a child's hair that is tangled, especially after taking a shower, so that it doesn't break or fall out.
  • Use child-only shampoo
Adult shampoo has a different content from a child's shampoo. Because there is more adult hair, there is a chemical content of ammonium laurelsulfate which makes the shampoo foam more. However, the effect can cause damage to hair follicles and hair loss.

Choose a child shampoo that can clean and soften the hair with a formula that does not hurt in the eyes, and protects the scalp from mild dryness and irritation. Also choose a hypoallergenic shampoo that is safe for sensitive children's skin.

Addressing hair loss in children is not easy. Therefore, let's recognize the signs of hair loss that need to be worried because there could be an underlying medical condition. Most easily, to be able to take care of children's hair, do the tips mentioned above and always provide shampoo specifically for children to clean and soften their hair.

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