
Do not get used to after eating directly sleep, if you do not want to be sick

After eating, drowsiness often engulfs you. Not infrequently, some people choose to sleep immediately after eating. However, this habit is not medically recommended because it can trigger a series of disruptive and even dangerous diseases. See the explanation below.
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1. Increased weight

Normally, weight will increase when you consume more calories than you burn. This does not depend on when you eat. But, even though the meal portion is normal, the habit of sleeping immediately after eating makes the body not have time to burn the calories it enters. Of course this will contribute to your weight gain.

2. Digestive disorders

In fact, the body is most comfortable digesting food in an upright position because it makes food easier to absorb. Therefore, the digestive process can be disrupted if you go to bed immediately after eating. Not only that, this habit can also cause gastrointestinal disorders, especially those associated with increased stomach acid.

Naturally, the stomach will produce a number of acids to digest food. So, increasing stomach acid after eating is normal and necessary.

However, if a person often sleeps after eating, quite a large amount of stomach acid can rise to the esophagus, and trigger gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD.

This condition will cause a burning sensation in the area of ​​the pit of the heart that radiates to the chest and esophagus. The tongue often feels bitter and sufferers often belch.

If left unchecked, stomach acid which rises into the esophagus can eventually cause damage so that GERD often recurs. Of course this will interfere with the quality of life of sufferers.

3. Stroke

Although sounding impossible, the results of a study at the Ioannina University Medical School in Greece showed that going straight to bed after eating can increase a person's risk of stroke. The study involved 250 individuals with a history of stroke and 250 individuals with a history of heart attack. As a result, researchers found that the risk of stroke was lowest in individuals who waited longer to sleep after the last meal.

Why is that? Experts have not been able to explain with certainty, but it is estimated that stomach acid that rises into the esophagus can trigger stop breathing during sleep. This condition, also called sleep apnea, is known to be associated with stroke. Another theory states that the process of digestion and its effects on blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and cholesterol affect a person's risk of having a stroke.

4. Sleep disorders

Sleeping habits after eating can also affect the quality of your sleep at night. Consumption of heavy foods or high in fat can make bloating and abdominal pain so you get restless and have trouble sleeping. Likewise with consumption of spicy foods that can trigger an increase in stomach acid and recurrence of GERD.

So, how long should you wait to sleep after eating? So that the above problems do not occur, you should give a gap of 2-3 hours after you eat before finally sleeping. This allows the body to digest food completely. The contents of the stomach have moved into the small intestine, thereby reducing the chances of digestive disorders due to lying down after eating.

If then you are still hungry before going to bed, you can just eat a snack. Choose light and healthy ones such as wheat-based pastries or low-fat milk. These foods are easily digested by the body and do not trigger an increase in stomach acid. As much as possible, avoid heavy or fried foods just before going to bed.

Sleeping habits after eating did seem trivial, but it turned out to be bad for health. It is never too late to start improving the habit so that you avoid various digestive disorders and other more dangerous diseases.

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