
Seaweed has 4 healthy benefits that you don't know

Seaweed is one of the healthiest foods that is often ignored. So far, people know it more as a complementary spice. In fact, the nutritional content in it is able to support overall body health.
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Based on the explanation of Dr. Astrid Wulan Kusumoastuti from, seaweed is part of a group of algae that grows in the sea, rivers and lakes. Commonly eaten species originate from the sea, because the majority of which grow in fresh water contain poisons.

Some types of seaweed are commonly consumed, including nori which is commonly used in sushi dishes, and kombu as a natural broth ingredient. In addition there are also wakame commonly found in salads and soups, "said Dr. Astrid.
Furthermore, Dr. Astrid explained that seaweed contains more nutrients than most other foods. This is why, seaweed is often also referred to as super vegetables.

Some facts related to the health benefits of seaweed are as follows:

  • Optimizing the performance of the thyroid gland
  • The thyroid gland releases hormones to help control growth, produce energy, reproduce, and repair damaged cells in the body. The process requires a certain amount of iodine, which you can find on seaweed.

  • Iodine content is an average of three types of seaweed, namely: 

  • Nori: 37 mcg per gram
  • Wakame: 139 mcg per gram
  • Kombu: 2523 mcg per gram

  • Besides iodine, seaweed also contains amino acids called tyrosine. These compounds are also useful for supporting thyroid function.

  • Meet the needs of vitamins and minerals

  • Sprinkling dried seaweed on food not only adds flavor and texture, but also an easy way to increase intake of vitamins and minerals. In general, 1 tablespoon consisting of 7 grams of dried seaweed contains calories, carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber, and iron.

  • Seaweed also contains small amounts of vitamins A, C, E and K, along with folate, sodium, calcium and magnesium. Marine biota is also present as a source of omega-3 and vitamin B12 fats that are good for health.

  • Protect cell membranes

  • Seaweed has a variety of beneficial plant compounds, including flavonoids and carotenoids which are proven to protect body cells from damage caused by free radicals. Many studies have focused on one particular carotenoid called fucoxanthin which has been shown to protect cell membranes better than vitamin A.

  • Reducing the risk of heart disease

  • One of the carbohydrate content in seaweed has a fucans name. An animal study found that fucans extracted from seaweed can prevent blood clots, which are the forerunners of heart disease and heart attacks.

There are some health benefits that you can get from seaweed. After knowing it, do you want to make seaweed as a daily consumption? If yes, make sure you keep paying attention to the portions so they are not excessive when consumed. Don't forget to balance the consumption of seaweed by implementing an active and healthy lifestyle, huh!

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